Walking and Sailing

GR10 Day09

Last night the dinner was good, and we were the only two in our dormitory, so two wins.  Breakfast was nothing special; yoghurt, apple puree, bread, butter, marmalade, orange juice, and coffee.  We were up early as this was going to be a long stage.  It was; highlights included crossing the suspension bridge, lots of raptors flying above (and below) us, and great scenery.  Lowlights were the distance and the state of some of the route; stony, very muddy, narrow, and very long.  We also missed a turn on the descent, walking past it and then having to come uphill to rejoin the path.  The final section was uphill to our lodging; a van stopped in the middle of the road and the driver (farmer) insisted that we get in.  We put our bags in the back and we both squeezed in to the passenger seat, to be driven the final 200m to the gite.  The cloud was getting lower and lower, and it started raining just as we went in the door.  I’ve included all the photos from today to show what the route looked like.  Some look forward, others back.


Total distance: 27938 m
Max elevation: 1382 m
Total climbing: 1591 m

1 Comment

  1. Graeme & Carolyn

    The views look spectacular…although judging by the state of some of the tracks, you are probably watching your footing! There don’t seem to be many people about, are there many other walkers?

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