Leaving Lescun we dropped down 100m into the valley and then quickly started a climb back up the other side.  This was through forest on a mixture of tracks and paths, before flattening out in a hanging valley about 200m above the main valley.  We crossed the valley and then the main climb started.  We climbed about 600m up through the forest on steep paths, finally reaching the col where we stopped for a rest.  The descent into the next valley started down a grassy slope before going into the beech wood.  There was the usual mixture of steep descents and zigzagging paths.  We finally came out of the trees onto a hillside covered in bracken, where the temperature rocketed up.  This section had long zigzags going to and from across the hillside, with the occasional tree for shelter.  Every so often we crossed a stream where the temperature dropped significantly.  We reached our accommodation (shortly before the end of the stage) and sat in the garden until the owner arrived.



Total distance: 15421 m
Max elevation: 1608 m
Total climbing: 943 m